Interior Painting



We offer Painting Services in the Following Areas:

  • Fayetteville, NC
  • Raeford, NC
  • Hopmills, NC
  • Spring Lake, NC
  • Cameron, NC
  • Cumberland Count, Hoke County, Harnett Count & the Surrounding Areas
  • We Travel out of State as well

We Specialize In:

  • Residential Interior Painting
  • Commercial Interior Painting
  • Repaints
  • New Construction Painting
  • Expert Sheetrock Repairs
  • Excellent Prep Work
  • Painting Walls, Ceilings, Windows & Window Casings, Doors and Door Casings, Trim, Etc.
  • Graphic Stripes & Designs Painting
  • Garage Epoxy Floors
  • High Rise Foyers & High Walls and Ceiling Areas

& Much, Much More.

Our goal is to make your Residence or Business look as Professional as possible.  We consider ourselves to be Cosmetic Specialists.

Job Preparation

Your Paint job is only as good as your prep work.  Prep is just as important as when you apply paint to the walls.

Fixing sheetrock is an area we are very well versed in.  We have the talents to fix walls and make them look brand new.  This is a great quality that we possess.

These are just some of the steps involved with our prep before Painting. Some jobs require more prep and maybe different steps that are not listed, but be well assured we know how to get it done properly.

  • We use plastic to cover furniture and personal belongings to ensure cleanliness.
  • We use drop clothes to protect flooring.
  • We fix all the Imperfections in the Walls. Fixing sheetrock is an art. This is a skill that we have and have a Well Versed Skill set in. We can hang sheetrock, tape and mud. We fix holes and any other damage to the Sheetrock. Fixing Sheetrock is not always a onetime process. There is a lot of times where we have to fix some spots twice.
  • We sand all the walls to remove all debris and to make the walls as smooth as possible. We have a very impressive Sheetrock Sander that sands the walls. This machine is also hooked to a vacuum to catch any Sheetrock dust or any other debris that the sander breaks free from the walls. This allows for sheetrock dust not to fly all over your belongings and keeps for a cleaner work environment.
  • We make can make ceiling repairs as well. We can fix Slick Ceilings, Popcorn Ceilings or Stippled Ceilings.
  • We can fix water, nicotine stains and stains that would normally bleed through the paint.
  • We caulk any areas that need to be caulked. Areas such as around the Counters Tops, Tubs, Sinks, Base Boards, Windows and Window Casings, Door Casings and Doors, Crown Molding, Chair Molding, Etc.
  • We use primer when a primer is needed. Primer is used for bonding purposes and for blocking stains such as water stains, smoke stains, chemical stains or newly painted surfaces, etc.
  • Some colors will require more effort to achieve the correct color. A lot of people have a misconception of how this requires a primer. But remember a primer is used mainly for a stain blocker or for adhesion purposes


Once all the prep is done we begin the painting process.

We start with cutting in around all the fixtures, around the Base Boards, Outlets, Fixtures, Ceiling, Etc. Usually this is a two part cutting in process. Once everything is cut in we roll the Walls and Paint the Trim.

Trim Painting

Trim usually consists of Base Boards, Window Casings and Windows, Doors and Door Casings, Chair Molding, Crown Molding, Etc.

Custom Graphic Stripes

We love being creative and doing Custom Painting as well.  Weather you want an Accent Wall or some kind of a Design on the wall we can do it. We can do Horizontal & Vertical Stripes.  We can even do stripes that are not straight as well .  We can even do Circles.  We make our own stencils and some is free handed.   We are pleased to be the professionals that can offer Crisp Perfectly Straight Lines that will deliver the professional results that you hired us for.

Ceiling and Ceiling Repairs

No matter what kind of ceiling you have we can fix it or we can paint it all the way from:

  • Slick Ceilings
  • Popcorn Ceilings
  • Stippled Ceilings.
  • Ceiling Grids (Commercial Buildings)
  • Open Ceilings (Commercial Buildings)
  • Acoustic ceiling tiles (Commercial Buildings)

We also have experience in painting the metal decking above where the ceiling grid would be up to the roof. This includes for the metal decking, air ducts and electrical conduit, etc.

We make all kinds of repairs to ceilings whether or not it was a water spot or just damaged sheetrock, no matter what the problem we can fix it.

  • when we are making repairs to slick ceiling we would treat and fix these issues as if there were a wall with sheetrock issues.
  • If were dealing with a popcorn ceiling we would sand an area about 6-10 inches away from the area being fixed. We then make the necessary repairs to the sheetrock. Once the repairs are made we then blow the new popcorn back up on the ceiling with a hopper.
  • If you have stippled ceiling we would sand an area about 6-10 inches away from the area being fixed. We then make the necessary repairs to the sheetrock. Then we will use a stipple brush and match the existing texture to blend the repair.

 Free Estimates

When we come out to give you your Free Estimate we will find out what all your needs are.  We have a very wide color selection that we will bring so you can look at colors.  You can pick one color or multiple colors.  The Choice is yours.  We are more than happy to satisfy our customers needs. We probably have over 10,000 colors.  This is great because maybe you have a favorite something in your Home or Business that you want to match colors with and it could eliminate multiple trips to the store trying to pick color swatches that aren’t what your looking for.    We will explain how we are going to complete your project and if your living there we’ll explain our process that we use to make this a very easy experience. For more details you can Contact Us.

Photos of our work

Click here to see our Interior Painting Gallery .  We love to show our customers our work.

Please browse our other categories as well using the Gallery menu bar at the top.



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